What Crystals are Water Safe?

Generally speaking, you should only cleanse crystals in water that are a 6 or above on the Moh’s hardness scale. The Moh’s hardness scale is a scale of 1-10 that measures crystals based on their hardness as well as the scratch resistance of minerals. 1 is the softest on the scale and 10 is the hardest. Although this scale is helpful, you cannot completely rely on it. Other factors are involved as well, like the iron content of crystals and porousness, or how much water the crystal can absorb. Also, there are some crystals that can become toxic when placed in water, like malachite (which should NEVER be put in water). Another good way to tell if a crystal ISN’T water safe is if it ends in -ite!

Here is a quick guide that contains what can and cannot be put in water:

Water-Safe Crystals:

  1. Quartz crystals (except tangerine quartz): clear quartz, amethyst, rose quartz, citrine, smoky quartz, rutilated quartz, etc.

  2. Calcite Stones

  3. Agate

  4. Moonstone

  5. Carnelian (NOT safe in SALT WATER)

  6. Jasper

  7. Tiger’s Eye

  8. Aventurine

  9. Black Obsidian (But can break in extremely hot or cold temps)

  10. Aquamarine

  11. Amber

  12. Bloodstone

Water UNSAFE Crystals:

  1. Fluorite

  2. Selenite

  3. Apophyllite

  4. Tangerine Quartz

  5. Gypsum

  6. Lepidolite

  7. Opal (except Australian Boulder Opal)

  8. Azurite

  9. Apatite

  10. Halite

  11. Malachite

  12. Turquoise

  13. Ulexite

  14. Labradorite

  15. Celestite

  16. Pyrite

  17. Hematite

  18. Kyanite

  19. Kunzite

  20. Black Tourmaline

  21. Lapis Lazuli

  22. Amazonite

  23. Angelite


Which Crystals are Safe in the Sun?