Online Crystal & Metaphysical Shop
The Importance of Ethically Sourced Crystals:
Ethically sourcing crystals and items for my store is one of my top priorities!!
What does it mean to be ethically sourced?
Fair wages and safe working conditions for laborers
Conflict-free products that DO NOT use child labor
Minimalistic practices in production methods
Low carbon footprint and environmental impact
Items are not by-products of other industries that cause harm
ONLY natural products
I believe that ethically sourced crystals are in their purest form. Crystals absorb negative energy, and are effected by those who mine them. Unethical mining negatively impacts the quality of crystals. This is just another reason to source ethically!
Being an eco-friendly business is one of my top priorities! I am a preferred member of ECO PGH which means: 1) my products are low waste, 2) my packaging is low waste, 3) my products are cruelty-free and organic, 4) I use energy consumption offsetting, and 5) I educate my customers on the environment, especially with the ethical sourcing of crystals!
Crystals benefit your mental health and provide feelings of increased tranquility, positivity, confidence, and focus. Not only are they beautiful, but each crystal has its own unique and individual healing properties to help kick-start your self-love journey!
The Benefits of Crystals
How do I know which crystal is for me?
There are so many different crystals, all with unique and wonderful benefits. It can be hard to know which crystal is for you! That is why, each of my spiritual healing crystals has a detailed description of its physical, mental, and emotional benefits. That way, you can be confident in your choice when selecting from my online crystal shop!
Wondering what to do with your new crystals?
Crystals have many different uses, but are best when used in a way that feels supportive and healing for you personally! Working with crystals is about your own personal choices and allowing them to guide you to your highest self. These are just suggestions, feel free to use them in any other way!
Hold your crystal
Especially when you need extra support
When you feel called to
When channeling, reading tarot, or other spiritual practices
Keep them in your wallet
Crystals that promote abundance are best used in your wallet to attract wealth your way
Decorate your home or room with them
Crystals can heal you from a distance while also being used as beautiful decorations
Take a bath with them!
Make sure your crystals are safe to put in water
They also can be placed alongside your bathtub
Keep your crystals around your plants to help them grow and thrive
Rose quartz can be placed on dying plants to help them recover
Tiger’s eye helps root growth of plants
Moss agate brings vitality back to plants while helping you create a connection with your plants
Keep your crystal in your pocket, purse, car, or anywhere you would like
This can be extra helpful when starting a new job, having a difficult conversation, going somewhere new, or any experience that you would like extra support for
Carnelian is the perfect crystal to take on a first date, because it increases your confidence and courage
Any protective crystal (typically black colored crystals) are great to keep in the car
Amethyst can be placed under your pillow or on your nightstand if you suffer from insomnia or nightmares
Use the crystal descriptions to determine what the best place is for your crystal for you!
Place your crystal on different parts of your body
Each crystal has a different meaning and healing properties and can be intentionally placed in an area that needs healing
I also like to intuitively place crystals on parts of my body that I feel would benefit, trust yourself, you know exactly what you need inside of you already!
When emotional trauma occurs, not only does it affect your mind, but it also is stored in different parts of the body as well
Crystals can be placed on parts of the body effected by trauma
Meditation can be extremely healing for everyone, especially those who have been effected by trauma
Use them in Meditation, Yoga, Reiki, or any spiritual practice of your choice
Crystals can be placed on each Chakra according to their color
Root Chakra: Red crystals
Sacral Chakra: Orange crystals
Solar Plexus: Yellow crystals
Heart Chakra: Green crystals
Throat Chakra: Blue crystals
Third Eye Chakra: Purple/White crystals
Crown Chakra: Purple/White crystals
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